Meet Coach C

Constance, known to her clients as “Coach C”, wields her superpower of connection into meaningful partnerships to propel her clients forward.

Constance employs her business acumen and pedagogy to provide strategic guidance to her clients. As a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), she is able to collaborate with partners to assess their needs, develop project plans toward their goals and support the leaders and staff in achieving them. 

After leaving a small technology firm in the private sector, she embarked upon a journey into education and entrepreneurship. Her diverse experiences range from classroom teaching, to school leadership to influencing policy at the state level. She’s led programs for the SC State Dept of Education,, the nation’s largest virtual education company, and the City University of New York (CUNY).

In 2018, at the urging of her former Executive Director, Constance utilized entrepreneurial skills she developed in the 4pt0 Schools Fellowship to launch UnmaskEDU, LLC. She understood that school leaders often lacked understanding of special programs, and would fail to meet federal compliance, and she began providing leadership coaching and professional development to charter schools and organizations in Atlanta, GA. Upon returning to NY, she plunged headfirst into her first love, technology, and began coaching budding software engineers to post-secondary roles in tech. 

As a doctoral student of Urban Education, Constance continues to build her network of partnerships as a social impact entrepreneur with her gaze firmly focused on equity and empowerment.


  • CORO Leadership New York (LNY) Fellow

  • Lehman College Alumni Association Trustee

  • Nuasin Next Generation Charter School Trustee


  • University of Pittsburgh, Center for Urban Ed. Student Fellow

  • Communitas America Social Impact Entrepreneur

  • Education Reform Now, Leaders of Color Alum